Aug 10, 2020
Simon Wardley
Simon Wardley is a researcher for Leading Edge Forum, a global research programme dedicated to helping large organizations reimagine their organizations and leadership for a technology-driven future.
He is also the inventor of Wardley Maps
Find the entire book on Wardley Maps here:
Chapter 1 — On...
Aug 5, 2020
Adalberto Gonzalez
Adalberto is Accenture Mexico Technology Innovation Lead. Founder of the DT & Innovation Studio, which originated the innovation practice in Accenture Mexico; driving transformation in the mindset and perception of value among Accenture clients – impacting how projects are delivered and new...
Aug 5, 2020
Keith Tatum
Keith Tatum is a visually-focused facilitator, design thinker, and user experience strategist who lives in Columbus, Ohio. He has more than twenty years of practice delivering human-centered design for digital and physical experiences. Keith is also the founder of Visibility Experiments, an independent...