Sep 29, 2020
Illustrator and animator. Strategic illustration and facilitation. Open to commissions and collaboration.
Instagram: chris.glynn.illustration
Twitter: mainchrisglynn
0.6 Senior Lecturer in Illustration, Cardiff School of Art Design,
Cardiff Met...
Sep 23, 2020
Lindsay Wilson
Sep 17, 2020
Brandy Agerbeck demystifies drawing so you can grasp visual thinking to shush your inner critic, erase overwhelm, think clearly, tackle problems, craft communications, and map out your next great accomplishment.
In 2016, Brandy published The Idea Shapers: the power of putting your thinking in your...
Sep 7, 2020
Hello! I am Nadine - designer, illustrator, author & sketchnoter - in short, a visualization expert.
I help everyone who, at work or privately, wants to achieve quick results with visualization in the form of sketchnotes and who want to prepare their ideas visually.
Check out Nadine's recent book on...
Sep 1, 2020
Henrik Kniberg is an organizational consultant and developer at Crisp in Stockholm. He does coaching and Minecraft development at Mojang, and has previously worked at Lego and Spotify.
He enjoys helping companies succeed with both the technical and human sides of product development using agile and...